Sunday, March 15, 2020


Dear Grace Family, 

Here is Pastor Matt's sermon for the day. You can read it below or you can print it out in the attachments below.


If we are honest it has been a crazy week. We have seen entire countries being shut down. We have seen the stock market going crazy. We have seen cruise ships being quarantined. We have seen schools and colleges all around us being shut down. We have seen all the major sports leagues and tournaments being canceled. And now the President has announced a national state of emergency.

No matter how we feel about all of these things, the reality is that what’s going on in our world right now is like nothing we have ever seen before. And because of this, I think it is very important for us to take some time and ask ourselves, how are we going to respond as Christians while all this is happening?

On a personal note, the Lord has done a lot of work in me this week and challenged me in many ways to think about what is going on as a pastor instead of just an American. I have had many heart changes and realizations this week concerning what’s going on in the world with this virus, especially as I am trying to help my little ones understand how we should be looking at everything that’s going on from the Christian perspective, and how we should not be trusting in ourselves but instead how we should be trusting in the Lord and trying to see everything through the lens of what we need to do in a time such as this as believers.

And so, I want you to understand that I am approaching this topic as a pastor who is trying to look at the big picture of what the Lord is doing in everything that’s going on all around us, and that is what I want to talk about this morning. I want to encourage us and exhort us to look at the coronavirus and how the world is responding to it. I want us to see everything through the lens of the Lord and what His word says about how Christians should live and act and respond in a time such as this one before us.

And this is before us all right now, right? This is something that is affecting us all in one way or another. So as your pastor, I want to remind us how we should be looking at this whole situation as Christians who have the hope of the Lord to govern every situation that we encounter in this life.

As Christians, we know that everything that happens in this life has a purpose that is grounded in the Lord’s will for our lives and our world, and we all need to be challenged in a time such as this to fight to see everything through the Christian lens, through the biblical lens, and through the reality of the gospel.

As believers the gospel should be our focus; therefore, this morning’s written message is very simple. I want to remind us of what Christians ought NOT to be doing in a time such as this, and then I want to remind us of what Christians ought to be doing in a time such as this.


First, I want to start out with 4 things that we as Christians ought NOT be doing in a time such as this.

The first thing we ought NOT do as Christians is that…

1. We ought not Panic…

Most people (and this probably represents most of us who are reading this) will have one of 2 responses when something like this is happening, and I’ve seen both sides the last 2 weeks.
In a time such as this most people will either panic or they will be prideful. We will talk about pride in our next point, but first let’s remember that as Christians living in a time such as this we should not panic.
We see this exhortation all throughout scripture.
Philippians 4:6 says, “Do not be anxious about anything.” Do you know what falls under the category of anything? The coronavirus and the way in which it’s affecting our lives right now. We are not to be anxious about the coronavirus or anything that is happening as a result of the virus.
We are not to be anxious about schools being shut down. We are not to be anxious about sporting events being cancelled. We are not to be anxious about there being a shortage of groceries and toilet paper. We are not to be anxious about your finances or your 401k’s. We are not to be anxious about being around small groups of people. We are not to be anxious if we are in need (let us know if you are in need and we will do anything we can to help). We are not to be anxious about the decision that was made to cancel church. In a time such as this we obviously need to be smart, but the word of God tells us not to be anxious about anything.
In a time such as this we do not know what tomorrow will bring, but as Jesus says in Matthew 6:34, “we need not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will take care of itself.” We are to focus on the blessings of today and trust that the Lord will take care of tomorrow.
So, as Christians, the first thing we ought not do in a time such as this, is not to panic. God is in control of this virus and everything that’s going on as a result of this virus so we should know that there is no need to panic.
The next thing we ought not do as Christians in a time such as this, which was my lean until the Lord convicted me this week and probably where most of us are going to struggle with what’s going on is that…

2. We ought not be filled with Pride.

We have to be careful not to allow ourselves to hurt our testimonies by allowing our frustrations to come out in a public manner during this time. To shrug this virus off as not being a big deal, despite what we feel is true, is prideful. The truth is that this is a big deal. Even if it’s just because of a national state of emergency, it is a big deal. Even if you think people are overreacting and going crazy during this time, it is a big deal because it is, and it will continue to affect us all in many different ways. We cannot let our pride about what we think get in the way of what the Lord has planned for this virus and everything that’s happening all around us.
This is not an us versus them situation. We are Christians and we are never supposed to be filled with pride, especially toward those who don’t agree with us.
Romans 12:16 says, “Live in harmony with one another. Do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly. Never be wise in your own sight.”
This passage really hit home for me this week, and I hope it hits home with you if you are being prideful about what’s going on right now.
Most times we all believe that we are the wisest people we know, so we need to take heed of God’s word when it says never be wise in your own sight. Despite what you think you know about this virus and what’s going on with it, despite what the news and the radio and whoever it is that you follow during times such as this says about this virus, the reality is, that our pride can and will turn people who are scared and who think differently then us away from the gospel. And listen brothers and sisters, it is not sin for people to think differently then you and I. If we think or act like we know everything during this time, then we are being prideful, and we are thinking too highly of ourselves and putting the focus on us instead of the Lord.
Are any of us infectious disease experts? No, we are not.  The reality is that the information we have - the information we are building our panic or our pride on - is second hand and probably can’t be trusted in its full honesty.
The reality is, and this is why this time is so scary for so many people, that we really don’t know. We can make assumptions about this virus and how it’s being used to scare people and all the other conspiracy theories we are focused on. We can make assumptions that this virus will get worse and worse over the next few months. We can claim a lot of different things, but the honest reality is that we don’t know. We just don’t know enough about the virus to make truly honest predictions. We are not experts.
And this leads us to the third point as to what Christians ought not be doing in a time such as this. This goes hand in hand with how we ought not panic and how we ought not be prideful.
The third thing we ought not do, and I made all the “ought not” points start with the letter P, so this is a fun word. The third thing a Christian ought not to do in a time such as this is that…

3. We ought not Pontificate.

Pontificate means to speak or behave in a pompous or dogmatic manner.
As we have already noted none of us are experts, so we need to stop speaking and acting like we are experts. In our “expertise” we are risking causing ourselves and others to either panic or to be prideful.
The truth right now is this, none of us can be dogmatic about the facts of what is really going on or how this thing is going to play out. We can guess, but none of us are experts.
We are not infectious disease experts and brothers and sisters, we are not God. Many times, we want to be the god of our lives, but the reality is that we are not God.  We don’t know what plans He has for the future of everything that is going on.
Now there is one thing we can be dogmatic about as Christians. We can be sure that God is in control.
God isn’t surprised by any of this. He is sovereign over all of this, and He will further the gospel through this time whether it’s going to be a far reaching massive virus infection or whether everyone is overreacting and it’s not going to be as bad as many people think. Whatever happens God has already not yet worked it out exactly how He has ordained for it to work out.
Colossians 1:16-17 says, “For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities, all things have been created through Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.”
The Lord is the expert who has all the answers in a time such as this. He is holding all things together even in times such as this. Brothers and sisters, do not pontificate because ultimately only the Lord is in full control of this situation.
Now this leads us into the biggest pontification that exists right now in our society. And boy do we need to avoid this, because it breeds nothing but division. Doing this next thing will do nothing but drive people away from the gospel in a time such as this.
The fourth thing we ought not to do as Christians in a time such as this, is that…

4. We ought not Politicize.

I have said this over and over the last 6 months brothers and sisters… politics turns people away from the Lord. Arguing about how one side or the other is using this virus to further their agenda is the worst conversation we can be having about this right now.
I love what Ben Shapiro said this week on his radio show. He said, “If we are politicizing this thing right now then we are doing being human wrong.”
Sharing how you feel politically about the coronavirus will not convince anyone that is not already thinking the way that you do, to change their mind. That’s the political reality of the day. No one who thinks differently then you or I care how we feel about the politics of the day. We will not change anyone’s mind.
If you try to talk about how this happens every election season or if you try to say “see this is why we need universal health care,” if that’s the arguments you use when talking about the coronavirus, all you will do is drive people away from hearing what you have to say about Jesus.
I am sorry, but us being a republican or a democrat has nothing to do with being able to preach the gospel and tell people about Jesus in a time such as this.
Brothers and sisters, please don’t hurt the opportunities you will have to share the gospel during a time such as this by making this about politics. Maybe there are political pieces to this, but who cares when it comes to the opportunity to speak God’s truth into people’s hearts right now.
We ought not politicize in times such as this because it will lead us to panic and or to have pride, and it will lead us away from what the Lord might do through us during this time. Let’s avoid politics right now. Please, don’t miss gospel opportunities because in your panic or in your pride you are pontificating political rhetoric in a time such as this.
If we are giving into any of the things above, those things will detract us from seeing and acting upon what the Lord is doing in a time such as this. We don’t want to dismiss the real feelings that people have right now by trusting in ourselves versus trusting in the Lord.

We need to remember the awesome comforting truth of Romans 8:28 during this time. “And we KNOW that God CAUSES ALL THINGS to work together for GOOD to those who LOVE GOD, to those that are called according to HIS PURPOSE.”

God does have a plan for everything that’s going on right now, and God’s plan is always to grow believers into likeness of Christ and to reach more people with the gospel.

Therefore, we need to be committed to seeing everything that’s going on through the lens of the gospel. Where we stand in panic, pride, pontification and politics will not further the kingdom. In standing on the word and trusting the Lord and His will for what’s happening right now we need to be seeking ways to preach the gospel during this time.


So now let’s look at 5 things Christian ought to be doing during a time such as this. These things should be simple reminders for us.

The first this we ought to do in a time such as this, is that…

1. We Ought to Pray.

We know that Philippians 4:6-7 tells us to be anxious for nothing, but that instead we should pray about everything. We are called to let all our requests be known to the God who loves us. And we are promised in verse seven that when we choose to pray in times such as this, that God will bless us with a peace that surpasses all comprehension and that our hearts and minds will be guarded by our savior Jesus Christ.
In a time such as this we are called to pray, and when we do, God promises that he will keep us from panicking and or having pride.
Ephesians 6:18 says, “with all prayer and petition pray at all times in the spirit, and with this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for the saints.”
God uses our prayers as a part of His sovereign will, and He will use our prayers during this time to take care of our fellow saints and to take the gospel to the ends of the earth. Brothers and sisters, we ought to offer up never ceasing prayers at a time such as this.
The next thing we ought to do as Christians in a time such as this, is that…

2. We Ought to Trust in the Lord.

Proverbs 3:5-6 says, “trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.”
Proverbs 28:26 says, “Whoever trusts in his own mind is a fool, but he who walks in wisdom will be delivered.”
We know that God is control of all things and so we must trust His plan in a time such as this and not lean on our own understanding.
If we will trust in the Lord, the gospel will shine bright during this time and as Philippians 4:19 says, “in a time such as this (and at all times), that our God shall supply all our needs according to His riches in glory.”
In a time such as this we should trust the Lord to help us and to take care of us and to help us see the big picture of what He wants us to accomplish in His name as we live in this situation. As Christians we ought to trust our sovereign God in a time such as this.
Next, in a time such as this, Christians…

3. We Ought to show Compassionate Love.

Love is always what we should be known for as Christians. We need to love the people around us during this time. We ought to love those that are struggling in any way to keep the Lord first in their lives, and we ought to love those that don’t know the Lord during these times.
We need to find ways to meet people’s physical needs and their spiritual needs. We need to sacrifice our time and our resources to take care of everyone we can right now.
1 Peter 3:8 says, “all of you be like minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble.”
In a time such as this, the Christian should be known for compassionate love for everyone they come in contact with so that we can show them the Love of Jesus.
Look for opportunities to love everyone you can in a time such as this.
The next thing that we as Christians ought to do in a time such as this, is that…

4. We Ought Evangelize the Lost.

The temptation during a time such as this is to withdraw and stay away from people. But according to the Great Commission mandate from God we are all always to be involved in evangelism. In order to evangelize we have to find ways to interact with those that are unsaved and who may be looking for real answers as to why these things are happening.
1 Peter 3:15 says, “In your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.”
We are to tell people about the hope of Jesus that lives inside of us in a time such as this. Peter goes on to say that we are to do this with gentleness and with respect.
People will have many different emotions during this time. We need to be able to give an answer in gentleness and with respect and in love as to our hope in Jesus so that people will be softened to hear the beautiful gospel of Jesus Christ as they search for answers in the chaos that’s all around them.
In a time such as this we ought to be prepared to be obedient to the Lord and evangelize those who do not know the Lord as their savior.
Lastly, as we consider how we as Christians ought to respond in a time such as this, brothers and sisters…

5. We Ought to Give Thanks.

1 Chronicles 16:34 says, “give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; his love endures forever.”

Colossians 3:15 says, “let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.”

Colossians 4:2 says, “Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.”

1 Thessalonians 5:16 says, “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances.”

In a time such as this we are to give thanks. The Lord is in control of all things and He has a plan for each one of us. He has a plan for our church. He has a plan for our families. He has a plan for our finances. He has a plan for our health. He has a plan for our unsaved friends and family.

We are to give thanks that He has a plan to work all things out for the good of those who love Him according to His will brothers and sisters. Let’s rest in the Lord in a time such as this and let’s give thanks.

As we draw to a close, let me remind you that as Christians we are not to live in panic or in pride, but instead we are to cling to the hope that we have in our savior in Jesus Christ.

Paul reminds us in 2 Timothy 1:7, "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." Now is not the time to close yourself to the world. Right now is a unique time in our world's history. We have the opportunity to show our neighbors that we have "a reason for the hope that is within us" by checking in with them, being the connection point for needs, and leading in "being anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God."

In a time such as this the world must see Christians leading in love, patience, thanksgiving, hope, and grace. We must be available for prayer, for counsel, and for fellowship more now than we ever have. The temptation right now may be to shut ourselves in our homes; but Jesus wants us to pray, trust, love, evangelize and give thanks and to do these things as we worship our good God and sacrificially love and serve each other and our community.

Pastor Matt

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